Your Awards +Plus account has been successfully created, and your 9-digit membership ID has been sent to your registered email and mobile number.
Terms & Conditions
The Awards +Plus Program
Welcome to Pakistan International Airlines Awards+Plus Program, a richly rewarding loyalty scheme for our most valued passengers. When you travel on Pakistan International Airlines flights, you will build A+ Miles which can be exchanged for free travel and other exciting awards.
The following terms and conditions apply to all members of the program:
A+ Miles are credited from the time of enrollment and onward. A+ Miles will be accrued to the account of the member whose name is on the ticket, regardless who pays for the travel.
Each Awards+Plus Frequent Flyer number is issued to one specific individual. PIA does not allow friends, family members or corporate colleagues to share an account. Each member is allowed to obtain one account only and duplicate accounts will be cancelled. One e-mail address can be linked to only one Awards+Plus Account. Awards+Plus A+ Miles are non-transferable, nor can they be transferred to any one upon member's death.
A+ Miles will accrue on revenue tickets & no A+ Miles will be accrued for travel on free Awards+Plus incentive tickets.
Requests for retro-active credit must be submitted no later than 6 months following the activity.
Rebated or free industry tickets used by airline employees (Including Pakistan International Airlines' personnel), tour conductors and travel agency staff along with members of their families, are not eligible for point accrual under the Awards+Plus Program.
A+ Miles are not awarded for travel on fares subject to special promotions and/or deep discounts.
A+ Miles are credited according to the class of service purchased, not the class of service traveled on complimentary upgrades.
A+ Miles will be awarded only on the account of the Awards+Plus member who travels.
A+ Miles cannot be transferred, combined or exchanged under any circumstances.
Tickets and vouchers are valid for one year from the date of issue. Expired Air miles shall not be re-credited to members at the time of refund of partially utilized ticket. Expired Award ticket/MCO will not be accepted for re-credit of any valid Air mile after expiration .
In order to avoid misuse of account, members are required to provide their valid membership # and PIN at the time of making an awards request.
Secrecy of PIN must be maintained by member to avoid any misuse of account.
In order to avail awards, you are required to send your request through on-line or written request along with your identity through mail service or Fax.
Free ticket awards are issued with confirmed bookings/Request status.
One stopover is allowed free of charge while two stopovers are allowed with redemption of additional A+ Miles.
Open-jaw ticket(s) are permitted if both airports are within one zone.
Awards +Plus tickets may be subject to income taxes, airport taxes or other regulatory charges according to the rules & regulations of local Government. Any such charges, if applicable, are the sole responsibility of the member.
Free awards ticket(s) cannot be upgraded by using a separate Awards+Plus upgrade certificate or with payment of additional fee.
A+ Miles in the Awards +Plus Program cannot be sold or exchanged. In case member is running short of A+ Miles to qualify for redemption criteria, PIA gives the relaxation for purchasing remaining A+ Miles provided that members must have at least 50% of the A+ Miles required for redemption in their account to avail this facility for themselves, family members and their nominees.
Any case of fraud/embezzlement including misuse of Ticket(s)/Excess Baggage vouchers/Upgrades in connection with the Awards+Plus Program will be subject to appropriate judicial procedures. PIA reserves the right to cancel the membership and all earned A+ Miles will be forfeited.
PIA reserves the right to check the identity of passenger using Awards+Plus ticket(s)/Excess Baggage vouchers/Upgrades.
Awards+Plus A+ Miles earned each year are valid for subsequent three years after which they will expire.
Pakistan International Airlines reserves the right to withdraw Awards +Plus membership and forfeit A+ Miles if anyone violates specified Awards +Plus terms and conditions. Membership in the PIA Awards +Plus Frequent Flyer Program is subject to local laws and restrictions of the country where the member resides. The Awards +Plus membership card remains the property of Pakistan International Airlines, and must be surrendered upon demand by the airline.
Note: Please notify address change or profile to Awards +Plus program office through online service or mail.
In these Terms and Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:
"PIA" means Pakistan International Airlines.
Active Member" is a Member who has recorded Point activity i.e., Miles earning or redeeming on their membership account within the previous consecutive 36 month period.Active member will also include members who earn PIA Miles through co-brand partners for eg: conversion of airmiles, miles earned through billing etc
"Award" means any PIA or partner products or services, which have been nominated by PIA or the partner as eligible to be obtained by a Member redeeming A+ Miles through PIA Frequent Flyer Program.
"Benefits" means any of the facilities, services or arrangements offered or available to the Member from time to time as a result of membership in PIA Frequent Flyer including earning and redeeming A+ Miles and Awards
"Rule Booklet" means the membership benefits brochure updated and published from time to time by PIA including this website.
"FFP Membership Card or FFP Card" means the PIA card issued to the Frequent flyer Program Member.
"Eligible Flights" has the meaning given in clause 9.2.1.
"Frequent Flyer Partner Airline" means those airlines with which PIA has entered into an agreement to provide for members to earn A+ Miles when flying on other airline's flights and/or to redeem A+ Miles on other airline's flights.
"Frequent Flyer Partner Service" means those non-airline companies with which PIA has entered into an agreement to provide for members to earn A+ Miles when acquiring certain goods and services from the other company and/or redeeming A+ Miles for certain goods and services from the other company.
"Frequent Flyer contact center" means the center established by PIA where membership information is processed and PIA Frequent Flyer is administered.
"Member" means the person who is a Member of PIA Frequent Flyer Awards +Plus and whose name is printed on the Card as well as registered into the program.
"Family Member" means spouse, children, parents of the primary member. (Once added, family members cannot be replaced on the Member's account for 3 years)
"Partner Flight Award" means a flight on a specified Frequent Flyer Partner Airline that can be obtained by redeeming A+ Miles through PIA Frequent Flyer.
"PIN" means the Personal Identification Number that is issued to the Member.
"A+ Miles" means frequent flyer A+ Miles awarded to Members in PIA Frequent Flyer pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
"PIAC" means Pakistan International Airlines Corporation.
"PIA Flight Award" means a flight operated and marketed by PIA, which can be obtained by redeeming A+ Miles through PIA Frequent Flyer.
"PIA Awards +Plus" means the frequent flyer program operated by PIA by which members earn A+ Miles for certain travel or other goods or services obtained and may redeem these A+ Miles for Awards.
"Schedule of Fees" means the schedule of fees that relate to membership in PIA Frequent Flyer as amended from time to time.
"Terms and Conditions" means these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time.
Program Changes
3.1 PIA reserves the right at all times to make any changes to the PIA Frequent Flyer Terms and Conditions, Awards or Benefits offered, and the Schedule of Fees in its sole discretion, including but not limited to: Changes to rules governing Earning and redeeming of A+ Miles.Point earning and redemption rates.Limitations on the number of Flight Awards redeemable on particular flights.Continued availability of Awards.Award restrictions or conditions.Ticketing procedures.Ticketing and services charges.Expiry of accrued A+ Miles. Changes to the parties included or Frequent Flyer Partner Services; and Changes to Frequent Flyer Partner Airline or Frequent Flyer Partner Service participation including restrictions on earning and/or redeeming A+ Miles, cancellations, Point earning and redemption levels.
3.2 PIA will use all reasonable endeavours to advise members of any changes to these Terms and Conditions, but will not be liable in any way for any failure to do so. Refer to this website for all current Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Fees for PIA Frequent Flyer.
3.3 Without limiting this clause 3 in any way, members will be taken to have received notice of any changes to these Terms and Conditions if PIA notifies the Member of the change by any method including but not limited to by providing notice to the address provided by the member to the Frequent Flyer contact center and/or by posting details of the changes on this website.
3.4 PIA is not liable for any Award not being available or for limitations on capacity available for the redemption of Awards.
3.5 PIA expressly reserves the right in its absolute discretion to withdraw, cancel, withhold, deny access to or use of or in any way change any of the Awards or Benefits previously advertised, offered to or accepted by any member at any time. This includes the right to discontinue PIA products, services or flights, Frequent Flyer Partner Airline products, services or flights, product services or flights or Frequent Flyer Partner Service products or services. PIA will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the member resulting from such withdrawal, cancellation, denial, variation or change.
3.6 PIA gives no warranty as to the continuing availability of PIA Frequent Flyer, any Award or any other Benefit.
4.1 PIA expressly reserves the right to terminate or alter (whether materially or otherwise) PIA Frequent Flyer at any time.
4.2 PIA reserves the right at any time in its absolute discretion and without notice to suspend or terminate the membership of any Member and/or the right of any member to use the Card or any Award or Benefit.
4.3 Membership will terminate automatically on the death of a Member. A+ Miles earned but not redeemed at the time of death will be cancelled. PIA will terminate the Member's account on receipt of notification of the death of the Member.
4.4 PIA Awards +Plus Program has the right to terminate membership if no travel activity or partner activity is recorded in member's account for one year.
Breach of Terms and Conditions
5.1 Any breach of these Terms and Conditions by a Member whether intentional or otherwise may result in suspension or termination of membership and/or cancellation of A+ Miles, Awards and/or Benefits at the sole discretion of PIA.
5.2 PIA is not, and will not be, liable for any Member's accumulated A+ Miles, Awards or any other Benefits. In the event of suspension or termination of membership or termination or other material alteration to PIA Frequent Flyer, such A+ Miles, Awards or Benefits may also terminate or be extinguished.
5.3 PIA reserves the right to cancel or refuse to honour any Award (including any Flight Award) which was sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise obtained or redeemed in breach of the Terms and Conditions at any time, without liability.
5.4 PIA reserves the right to reverse or cancel any A+ Miles credited to a Member incorrectly, not in accordance with or in breach of the Terms and Conditions at any time without liability.
5.5 PIA reserves the right to suspend membership, reverse or cancel any accrued A+ Miles from a Member's account in the event that monies are owed by that Member to PIA or any of its subsidiaries and such monies remain unpaid after the due date.
Membership Obligations
6.1 Members must not abuse PIA Frequent Flyer, any Awards, Benefits, facilities, services or arrangements accorded to the Member as a result of membership in PIA Frequent Flyer; Act in any way which is likely to be detrimental to the interests of PIA or PIA Frequent Flyer or any PIA Frequent Flyer Partner Airline or Frequent Flyer Partner Service; Supply or attempt to supply misleading information, or make any misrepresentation to PIA Frequent Flyer or any PIA Frequent Flyer Partner Airline or Frequent Flyer Partner Service; or act in any way which in PIA's reasonable opinion breaches or is likely to breach these Terms and Conditions or is inconsistent with the intent of these Terms and Conditions.
6.2 Members must comply with these Terms and Conditions at all times.
7.1 Membership of PIA Frequent Flyer is open only to individuals at least over 12 years of age or individuals purchasing a seat. Membership is offered at the discretion of PIA and PIA has the right to accept or reject any application for membership in its sole discretion.
7.2 Each Member may maintain only one PIA Frequent Flyer account that must serve all business and personal needs.
7.3 Each Member will be assigned a membership number upon acceptance of enrolment in PIA Frequent Flyer. Each Member will also be assigned a Personal Identification Number which along with his/her membership number, surname, birth date, and/or recent travel details will be used for security of membership information. It is the Member's responsibility to ensure that this PIN is kept secure and other security information is kept secure.
7.4 Each Member must advise PIA Frequent Flyer of any change of name, address, or other details as soon as practicable after the change. PIA is not responsible for any failure by the Member to adequately notify PIA of the change. Changes to address can be made by calling the Frequent Flyer contact center or updating your details directly on our website (You must supply your PIN.) Written proof must be supplied for any change of name.
7.5 It is a condition of membership that you consent and authorize PIA to provide the information on your application form and other information that you provide to PIA, to Frequent Flyer Partner Airlines, Frequent Flyer Partner Services and any other person (including without limitation a related body corporate, agents and contractors) for the purpose of:
7.6 PIA will provide you with access to and correction of your perso...